Friday, July 16, 2010

These Incredible Archives.

"Behind the scenes Gibson is renowned for his practical jokes. While filming the forthcoming Lethal Weapon 3, he would occasionally deliver his lines in an exaggerated black dialect - think Amos 'N' Andy - that had co-star Danny Glover practically screaming with laughter.
 On another occasion, he snuck into Glover's trailer while the actor was away. While there, he methodically emptied the fridge, replacing the yogurt and tofu the health-conscious thespian had requested, with watermelon, fried chicken and cases of Colt .45 malt liquor - a beverage often marketed to people of color.
"It's just his twisted sense of humor," says a friend. "He'd no sooner hit a woman than do anything to lose the respect of his African-American colleagues."
"Mel of the People" - These Incredible Times, October 1991

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