Thursday, September 24, 2009

China On Palin.

Sarah Palin has just returned from a visit to Hong Kong, where she delivered a speech on America's relationship with China. We at These Incredible Times were curious how the spunky former Alaska guv - not always a press favorite in the West - is perceived by the state-dominated Chinese media. Fortuitously, we found this recent Palin backgrounder from China's leading newspaper, the People's Daily.

There's more than the usual curiosity about Sarah Palin's upcoming visit to Hong Kong SAR. For those who do not follow US politics closely, Ms. Palin was the concubine of longtime senator John McCain. After bearing the aged war veteran five heirs, he asked her to share his platform in 2008. Ms. Palin graciously accepted.

At first American hearts were gladdened by the arrangement. Though her experience was limited to two years as Alaska governess, Ms. Palin's stories of slaying wild wolves to feed her children indicated she had the grit Americans expect from their leaders. She also showcased her charm with her delightful comedic turns on the situation comedy "Thirty Rocks." Then it all began to go sour.

First, her eldest daughter had sex with the school hockey team. Naturally, pregnancy resulted. Uncertain of the father, an embarrassed McCain/Palin were forced to campaign with the entire squad of young athletes in tow - escalating travel expenses. Then, Palin gave a televised interview in which she stated that her vision was so grand, she could see Russia from her back porch. Unfortunately for both McCain and Palin, this poetic aphorism - almost worthy of Mao himself - was taken by literal-minded Americans as proof of the young Alaskan's unsophistication.

The final straw came when Ms. Palin winked at a TV camera-man while debating her Democratic (sic) rival Joseph Biden. This was taken by voters as the ultimate evidence of the elderly McCain's flaccidity. He subsequently lost to President Obama in a landslide so great, it left him unable to raise his arms above his head.

Since the election, it has been even worse for the unfortunate Palin.

First, McCain cut off her clothing allowance, then he disowned her. Next, she was forced out of her job as Alaska governess for reasons unclear to either Palin or her detractors. Isolated and alone in the cold wilderness of her native land, the once-glamorous candidate now claims to speak to a book of faces. To Palin, these faces represent a "support network" that will help her escape to a better home in 2012. And then there is the painted bird of companionship which she calls "Tweeter."

Ms. Palin professes that this bird carries messages back and forth to her followers, and that these exchanges will keep her plight visible to the American public.

Clearly, a woman once crowned for her beauty and desired for her mothering skills has been driven mad by her involvement in US democracy. In any other country, this fading flower would be cared for in a public sanitarium. Instead, she has been issued a passport and presented as the centerpiece in an international sideshow.

Yes, it is sad what the American political system does to its victims. We hope the compassionate people of Hong Kong will grant this latest casualty the pity she clearly warrants.

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