Saturday, September 19, 2009

Neil Armstrong's To-Do List.

Water gardenias.

Call grandchildren; thank them for birthday cards.

Become 1st man to walk surface of moon.

Stop at grocery store; buy 2% milk.

Plant flag of nation on Man's highest summit.

Visit public library; see if new Phillip Roth is in.

While in atmosphere with 1/6th the Earth's gravity, deliver simple, eloquent line that sums up modern civilization's greatest feat of daring.

Stop at Jack-In-The Box. Speak slowly through drive-thru speaker; see if they recognize your voice.

Feature in foreground of most iconic 20th century image.

Forward fan mail to estate of Louie Armstrong; continue practicing trumpet.

Forward fan mail to address of Lance Armstrong; continue sleeping with Sheryl Crow.

Forward fan mail to estate of Michael Jackson; continue practicing falsetto.

Make John Glenn look like a dick.

Call Coast To Coast AM; tell host you have proof moon landing was a hoax. Hang up.

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