Saturday, September 19, 2009

Saturday Matinee: A Peek Into the World at Our Birth. (Repeat)

Hi. The Editor here. Busy time for us at "These Incredible..." So, if you don't mind, we'd like to present an encore presentation of Saturday Matinee that is just as timely, if not more so, than it was when it premiered two weeks ago. Enjoy. And happy Rosh Hashanah!

In this soon-to-be regular feature, we tap into the multimedia potential of the Worldwide Interweb to feature video highlights from the last eight decades.

Today's edition - filmed in our birth year - is more than entertaining ... it's revelatory.

Yes, our researchers have uncovered more proof that Susan Boyle's singing career started far earlier than she has thus far acknowledged ...

Unfortunately, it cuts off before we glimpse the young Simon Cowell. Pity. Enjoy your weekend.

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